Here are the patch notes for hotfix 1.0.2
Gameplay Changes
- Lola is now a Troll attack-type character (used to be Ranged)
- Lola’s charge ability, Heal, now targets the Pixeling in the front-position instead of a random Pixeling
- Minor balancing changes (story mode)
Correctifs de bugs
- Fixed the issue that caused unexpected error messages while choosing a username: error 104, 105 and 307
- VIP Players should no longer have to watch ads to refill their energy bar or to speed up a chest opening
- Fixed a bug that would cause some players to see a “Draw” result screen despite having won (or lost) in Arena
- Pixelings in your current team should no longer be invisible when opening the “Edit Team” screen
- Account linking and recovering failures should now report the correct error message
- Fixed a bug that would allow players to obtain the same daily quest twice, and receive error 904 when claiming the duplicate’s reward
- The Poison Burst passive should no longer soft-lock the battle under some circumstances
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements