PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator Mise à jour : Vacation

PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator Mise à jour : Vacation

Check out the latest PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator update and bake in the sun with new items!

PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator’s update: Vacation. A returning event complete with every item you need to protect yourself from the sun.

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Quoi de neuf dans cette mise à jour de PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator ?

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PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator is firing up its engines this summer, time for a Vacation! Celebrate the hottest season with new vehicles, tuber variants, fireflies, and more. Update your game now to get the latest features:

  • Vacation reward track items
  • New masks & stickers
  • User Interface(UI) Rework
Cuteness Overload Stream Room Review Results

Last time, on the Official Outerminds Youtube., we reviewed a total of 42 rooms! We kept our approach to Room Review coverage with up close and personal LPoV.

Précédemment, les éléments suivants ont été sélectionnés:

  • RED Car
  • Vacation Painting
  • Welcome mat
  • Luge
  • Coffee Beans
  • Waterfall
  • Mossy Statue
  • Stairs going down
  • Sack of Potatoes
  • Barre de traction
  • Cookie
  • Landscape Flowers
  • Vitamin Container
  • Pain
  • Plant de tomate
  • Hydro Flask
  • Présentoir à beignets

The Ol’Switcheroo!

Did you notice it? We swapped the shipping, inventory and brain icon spots to make them more intuitive. The overall progression of your average Tuber should see an improvement as a result.

Obviously, change may be difficult for our long-standing Tubers, but we really think the UI changes will help new players better understand what you can do in the game.

Additionally, when you are in the shipping menu, you can straight up tap on the “Available” section and it will lead you directly to the store.

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C'est tout!

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Si vous êtes arrivé jusqu'ici, vous êtes génial et nous vous aimons.

Bon jeu! 😊 😊 

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